Go home (ur drunk)

Top 10 funniest moments in Beer Fest.

- The preview for World Trade Center.

- The preview for Lassie.

- The two seconds of blackness in between previews.

- The long period of blackness when I fell asleep.

- The "Go buy food and beverages" animation.

- Realizing how Beer Fest was absolutely nothing like the preview.

- Having to call up Websters and having him change the definition of "comedy" in regards to this trash of a reel.

- The only funny part of the entire film was the line "I'm gunna butter your bread." And the thing that's funny is that Broken Lizard, in the five years after Super Troopers came out, hasn't been able to think of a new double entendre.

- The fat girl in front of me with bad teeth and a stupid life.

- Thinking about how many people will waste $8.50 to see this garbage.

- The sound of my own snoaring.

- The piece of lint under my chair that didn't do anything.

- .


- The hours I spent convincing my friend who works in the theatre to let me into the staff showing.

- Having to lie to him afterwards about how much I enjoyed the movie so he doesn't feel bad.

- Actually I don't care about how he feels. I just want him to like me so he lets me into more free movies.

- Realizing that I hate all my friends and the only reason I keep them around is for free food and entertainment from where they work.

- The irony that watching Beer Fest wouldn't be funny even if you were drunk.

- The only plot I can find in Beer Fest is the plot to kill the director.

- I hate this movie. Do me a favor and don't watch it. You don't have to waste your time, and I don't have to hear you assholes quoting it while I'm in the bar pretending to watch the game so that the cocktail waitress thinks I'm manly. Cocktail waitress is a dumb name. It should be "stripper in training."

Dude, cocktail. Imagine having a cock as a tail. I think that instead of cocktail waitresses, we should call them dickass waitresses. "Hey dickass tail-boner bitch, get me a beer." That's what we should say.

Last updated August 25th, 2006

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