Go home (ur drunk)

Kicking someone's ass: priceless
Getting your ass kicked: priceless
Seeing eminem get his ass kicked by 6 black men: $1.50

I rented the movie 8 Mile. It was good, considering my extremely low expectations for a debut hollywood blockbuster featuring yet another rap star. What sucked about this film was that all the other rappers were actually better than Eminem. The only reason he won was because that was how the film was scripted.

The only part I liked about this movie was seeing Eminem get pummelled toward the end. I thought, "No way, Eminem getting jumped by a bunch of black people? This is too good to be true!" That made my day. I wish all movies had a scene where the main character got beaten by a bunch of black men, especially movies starring Meg Ryan.

All Eminem does is self-deprecating. His strategy in rap battles is to insult himself and point out everything wrong with him so that it seems redundant when his opponent says those things. It's so cheap and lame. And all his fans go nuts over that kind of thing because he's being so open and honest. Bullshit.

If I were in a rap battle with Eminem, it would go like this -


Yo yo yo.. check it, ch...


Shut up, don't talk to me.


You won't battle me? Coward.


Yeah? Blow me. (drops pants, takes a shit on eminems shoe, and walks off stage).

Last updated November 3rd, 2003

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