Go home (ur drunk)

An American girl has a webcam chat with a starving boy from Africa.

I just think it would be such an awesome opportunity for Americans to be able to reach out to the world and have incredibly eye opening conversations with people from third world countries. Wouldn't that be incredible?

"I am soo excited to meet an American!! I have heard so much good things! Tell me what life is like in America!"
"Well.. I wake up and eat breakfast.. then I usually go on my computer for a bit. Check my Facebook, play some Farmville..and then...."
"Farmville? What is that?"
"Well it's a computer app where you have your own farm and you grow food and harvest it. It's really fun."
"Cool!! Then you eat it?"
"Er.. no.. you can't eat it. LOL."
"You farm food that you cannot eat? I don't understand. Is it poisonous? "
"Well. no.. I guess you could. Don't know how much protein is in a computer LOL. But no, the food just doesn't actually exist. It's not edible. Ya know?"
"You spend your time growing inedible food that doesn't exist?"


"If you're going to spend your time growing food, why not grow real food that people can actually eat? Think of all the lives you'd save!

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Last updated January 15th, 2010

Another random article