Go home (ur drunk)

Game reviews.

I'm not much of a gamer because in between punching skateboarders and stealing their girlfriends, I'm not left with much free time to sit around navigating airplanes and shooting people. Regardless, here are some games people play.


I haven't played it yet, but the name certainly shows promise. I've heard that in Manhunt, the only way to unlock new levels is to murder people in unbelievably disgusting ways. How cool is that?


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Gameplay: Run around with weapons, kill people, blow stuff up, and pick fights with old ladies. Not to mention you can kick a cop in the nuts until your fingers get tired. What more could a teenager want? Sex? You got it. In this game, you can even hire prostitutes and scrog them in the back of a police car you stole.

The next version will allow you to hijack a plane and fly around the world dropping bombs. There will be close-up live action clips of the skin melting off civilians. I can't wait.


Yoo-hoo Sweepstakes

What you do is purchase a bottle and look under the lid. If it says that you win, you get a prize. It's not a very fun game to play because there's no murder or violence, but it tastes fucking delicious. Despite the poor character development, minimal action, and horrible plot, the Yoo-hoo game still scores high because it's so damn chocolatey and delectable.


Fallout 3



Jihad: Holy War.

In this game, you can choose to be the terrorists or the bad guys. In the terrorist mode, you plan out and execute attacks on various countries depending on the given scenario. It's fun for a while, but the fact that it hasn't been released in America sucks because there is no English version.



I haven't played it, and I wanna say it's cool because everybody else does, but naw. Shitty.



Gameplay: You sit in a circle and some goon walks around tapping everybody on the head saying, "duck." Then spontaneously they say, "Goose," and whoever they last touched has to chase after them as they run in circles like a monkey with a numb leg. What a bunch of bullshit. I've had more fun playing online miniature golf.



I believe its reputation speaks for itself. This game is still sold in stores nearly six years later after it's release in 1998. It has three perfectly balanced races, low CPU taxing, an unbelievable multiplayer component, and a killer combination of coordination and strategy. If an alien asked me for an example of a "game," I would give it Starcraft.


Update: If you want a game, look me up. I'm ur.a.mag on Regular/West.

Last updated December 13th, 2003

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