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Only idiots don't watch TED talks

TED talks are for smart people. If you don't love TED talks, well then I guess you're just a fucking dipshit.

Today I watched a highly eduational TED talk about a guy who built a toaster.

Did you know that toasters are usually made of plastic and have copper somewhere in them that does something?

What I liked most about the talk was that it didn't get into technical detail about electronics or chemistry or how toasters actually work. It was mostly humorous personal stories about the guy having awkward interactions with blue collar mine workers. That, and inspiring anecdotes about his journey and inspiring lessons of life.

Here's the breakdown of a typical TED talk.

ted talks pie chart

Do you ever notice how a university lecture has 3k views, but a TED talk about the same subject has millions?

It's because no intelligent person wants to see some boring professor drone on about equations and mathematical bullshit that isn't even applicable to real life.

Smart people want to hear heart-felt stories about someone's family and children, peppered with beautiful visualizations containing inspiring, pretty animations that dilute a science so offensively that it makes us feel like we understand an idea that takes brilliant people decades to conceptualize.

ted talks pie chart


You never see pretty visuals like that in a college lecture. Why? Because college professors are boring and stupid and only care about raw facts and not the BEAUTY OF NATURE.

You can study biology all your life, but how many biologists actually go out into nature and LOOK at nature and appreciate how beautiful flowers are?


Fucking narrow minded idiot scientists should watch more self-help videos disguised as educational content.

The only way to truly appreciate the beauty of nature is to know literally nothing about it.

And that's what TED teaches me. Nothing.

Thanks TED.

Last updated August 24th, 2014

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