Go home (ur drunk)

Bad times to be sarcastic online.

The internet is a great place for sarcasm. Being clever and sarcastic can be entertaining and often humorous. However, there are times when sarcasm isn't a very productive tool. For example, when you buy an item off ebay or an online store, it is rather counterproductive to try and be witty to the business offering the service.

Here is one example of somebody being sarcastic online at the wrong time, wrong site:


Somebody ordered one of my shirts and sent me 1200 pennies. Enclosed was a note that said, "You will find $12 in cash, specified as acceptable currency per your shirt page."

Not only did it cost him four dollars extra to ship, but it cost me fifteen minutes to count and four hours to go out in the woods and shoot squirrels in frusteration while I thought of what I was going to in response.

Naturally, because he did pay for a shirt with "perfectly acceptable currency," I sent him a shirt. However, I sent him a "perfectly acceptable" shirt, as ordered, chopped into 1200 pieces.


There's a valuable lesson for you. Perhaps if you hadn't learned the lesson now, you would buy a puppy online in pennies and the pet business might do the same.

Last updated April 4th, 2005

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