Go home (ur drunk)

What is wrong with the news these days?

I've been reading the news way too much and taking it way too seriously. Look at this article.


A girl got murdered...

... and they are confident the case can be solved.... however..

they are offering $12,000 for information that leads to an arrest.

So what the police are basically saying is, "Do not worry. We have plenty of evidence to solve this case. In fact, the case pretty much solved itself. That been said, we'll pretty much buy a brand new car for anyone who gives any information at all about this case.. please?? Anyone?? C'mon.. "

It just goes to show how nobody knows jack shit about anything. And nobody knows it or calls anyone on anything. People assume professionals will be professional, and trust them. Like dentists. Dentists are always fucking up and covering up their mistakes. "Oh, your filling fell out? That's because you.. didn't floss ten times per day. And now you have what is known as a bicuspid injunction molar infracting on your.. labia.. fungus.. disease." Bullshit. They just fucked up when they did your filling, and don't want to take responsibility. And Doctors too. They'll examine your disease, go to the other room, google it, and come back with a diagnosis. I know this for a fact. But people just trust them. Like they trust police officers and news reporters to know what they're talking about.

Nobody picks up on the stupid obvious bullshit in the news because they make it so emotional. Someone reads about a girl being killed and they get all emotionally involved with the story and think the world is such a fucked up place, which is totally full-circle ridiculous because the irrelevant people and events and other meta-data within the articles are usually even more fucked up than the stories themselves.

People read headlines and instead of seeing how ridiculous everything is, they go, "Girls getting beaten up and killed? Oh my! How dreadful. Where is the humanity?" The humanity is right there in front of you. Humans get pissed off sometimes and fucking kill people. There are six billion of us. What do you expect? If you don't find any humanity in the news, you are totally out of touch with your own species.

God dammit. I need to stop reading the news. I need to go back to reading Victoria's Secret like every other sane person in the world whose method for finding sanity is to avoid everything obvious.

Like guys who play a guitar at parties. Don't you hate those people? God that's annoying. Do they actually think girls dig that shit? Girls don't want someone to sing them to sleep. Girls want someone to fuck them shitless for 5 hours until they pass out. Fact - no girl has ever orgasmed from listening to a guy play guitar. Sure, guitar players are entertaining. So what? A movie is entertaining, but you don't see very many girls fucking their DVD player.

I'm seriously obsessed with chess right now. I can't stop playing it. If you wanna play chess with me, email. me@xomfy.com

Or just go here: http://www.wrongway.org/chess/ and I might be online and I can fucking own your ass dead.

As for Michael Jackson, I have no comment.

Actually, I do have a comment. Anyone who's "sad" over Michael Jackson's death is an asshole. All you know or care about from MJ is his music and dancing. You're only sad because your entertainer is dead. That's all he was to you - an entertainer. How superficial and selfish do you have to be to mourn over the death of an entertainer. That's totally pathetic. Because the relationship was strictly one-way. You liked him because he entertained you, and he didn't even know about your existence. And now you have the nerve to be sad that he's dead. Total bullshit. The only person you should feel sad for is his plastic surgeon who no longer has a source of income and has to take out a second mortage.

Do you cry when your iPod or DVD player breaks? Hell no. You go "Fuck." When innanimate sources of entertainment die, you don't mourn their death. Or when the guy playing guitar at the party randomly gets his neck cut off by a broken beer bottle flung from a capapult. No one cares. So why mourn Michael Jackson's death? You didn't know him. He wasn't close to you. You didn't know what kind of person he was. It's freakin annoying. Stop looking around for trendy reasons to be sad and feel connected with the world. As if a news story that Michael Jackson is dead willl bring people closer together. "Oh we're all so sad that this person who makes music that we like is dead even though he hasn't produced anything good in over a decade." Ugh. Where is the humanity?

Last updated June 24th, 2009

Another random article