Go home (ur drunk)

On this week's issue of Time Magazine, two hands are gripping a flag and pulling it apart resembling parallels to the controversial image known as "goatse." Many geeks might look at the cover, chuckle at the supposed coincidence, and move on. I, however, know that there is more going on. The new generation counter-culture rebels obviously have a man on the inside. We have infiltrated to the highest level of the media - Time magazine. Whoever this genius is has given us a message - the time to strike is getting near. You might be wondering "who are we striking and why?" Well I have no idea, but that doesn't matter. Rebelling against stuff is fun and it doesn't matter what we're fighting for. The idea of a revolution is fucking awesome and I'll be the first in line to throw a brick through a school window.

Stay tuned and read Time closely for any further clues.

Last updated September 14th, 2004

Another random article