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Tool sold out!

Tool is planning to release their fifth album, 10,000 Days. I downloaded their new hit single and something occured to me - what is Tool doing with a hit single?

Has Tool gone popular on us? Have they sold out to the mass media? I believe they have. This really irritates me.

I listened to Tool long before they got famous and gained a huge audience. This was back when Tool had a small underground fanbase of only 80 or 90 million people. Now their new single is marketed to the lowest common denominator in order to appeal to everybody.

What the hell?

I used to feel totally eye-to-eye with Tool. Now that they've expanded beyond the 100 million fan mark, I no longer feel the connection I used to.

Can't us hardcore OTs have anything of our own? It's fucking ridiculous.I honestly feel that Tool has sold out in order to mop up the remaining few million people who haven't heard them yet.

I even heard rumors from respectable sources that Tool was investing in a deep-space radio transmitter to broadcast their new album out into space so that aliens could listen to it.

What the fuck?

Talk about appealing to a large audience. That's like a 500 trillion consumer marketing potential.

Having to share my favorite band with everybody on the planet is bad enough. Now I have to know that somewhere out there, Zorgon is covered in slime and listening to my song.

Fuck that. Tool claims to hate marketing schemes, yet they're marketing themselves to hate marketing schemes. Now that's ironic. 10,000 Days? More like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife. I have no idea what that means. All I need is a knife to chop off everyone's heads who suck.

Last updated April 25th, 2006

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